Sister Photoshoot Ideas
If you have been following the blog for any length of time, you will notice there are a couple of faces that are regulars around here. Enter the chat: Amanda (brunette) and Sarah (blonde) , our little sisters. Technically, they are Brittany’s sisters, but they have become mine by choice. We all claim each other and life is sweeter because of it.
I never had little sisters or any sisters growing up. I have four older brothers which has its benefits for sure, but ladies need other ladies in their circle. These three have shown me what true love (like Ana and Elsa) actually looks like. They show up on a whim when Brittany and I have photoshoot dreams that we need to see come to life.
NYE 2022 (going into 2023), I invited Brittany and her husband over for a NYE Party hosted by yours truly. We were in the season of my life where I had left the job that connected us and then were trying to keep our connection up. Brittany texted to ask if her sister could come, and I was like, “absolutely! :) the more the merrier” And now on NYE Amanda and I celebrate the year that was, the year to come, and our friendaversery.
Amanda has this way of being incredibly funny and making sure you are 100% taken care of – it’s likely thanks to the new mom purse she carries around. All jesting aside, this is one heck of a lady. She makes things happen with grace and poise, more than I think she ever gives herself. She is feisty and the most unhinged out of the four of us (but I still like to join in the antics).
If you remember our blog post about the girls with sheets on their heads (read it here if you haven’t seen it) Amanda is the kind of supportive person you won’t encounter often in your life. She shows up for everything and can remember things you forget. She loves with her whole heart, and that is something everyone should experience. From coming to an empty field in a saucy outfit, to helping me organize my closet so that I am not panicking, to buying everyone matching PJs and renting Princess Diaries for girls’ night, she is on top of it.
She once carried all of our cameras, extra clothes and belongings while having to pee for 3 hours during the magical water photos we shot. We jokingly called her the pack mule that day, but little did I know, she was also filming the entire day for behind the scenes videos. It was such a beautiful and sweet gift. Her thoughtfulness knows no bounds. I couldn’t love her more than I already do, but the years that pass make me so grateful for our bathroom breaks at Trivia Nights, her random hugs and tiny ducks that get hidden all over my house.
Sarah, on the other hand, is sassy and also quiet. The girls were going on a chocolate walk in September and they invited me. We went all over Noblesville, which if you haven’t been, is this cute little town here in Central Indiana. We spent time walking through shops, talking, collecting our chocolates and meandering about. I saw a Lite-Bright and talked all about my fond memories of it as a child. The moment passed and we continued on our way.
We made a pit-stop at the haunted jail, which was indeed spooky and all around erie. It also housed some fun writings on the walls which we naturally spent about 45 minutes reading. “Do Crime.” was written on a cell wall, which made us all laugh.
The girls and I went out for drinks and dinner a few months later where Amanda drank a “little dragon” becoming her namesake, and Sarah surprised me with a Christmas gift… that Lite-Bright. I was honestly so shocked that she got me anything, let alone that she remembered something I said in passing.
Sarah has come over during good days and bad to help me with my puppies (old german shepherds that act like children) and we have been able to bond over some really special things. Not only that, but she shows up for us in so many ways.
When we went to vendors to introduce ourselves as a Photography Duo, Sarah, our littlest-sister-turned-business-owner, became a brand partner and baked us some cookies for a treat to give all of our vendors.
I think that it is safe to say that our lives are better because of Sarah and Amanda. They bring so much joy and an immense amount of support to our lives. We are likely all together or if not together, then texting about the most random things, and that is the beauty of sisters. They make us rich in a wealth that does not run dry.